Sermon Synopsis for 8/21: “Don’t Lie”


Depending on your age, you may remember the designer fad of the early ’70’s called “Hot Pants.” They were very short, shorts that some mistook for a very wide belt. But do you realize that we all wore them at one time or another – if the taunting trope of children stands correct: “Liar, liar, pants on fire?” Catch my drift? We’ve all lied! Now if you object and deny your own culpability here, then you’re either lying to yourself or you’re just plain delusional.

Authors James Patterson and Peter Kim reported some of their findings regarding this oral epidemic in their book, “The Day America Told the Truth.” 91% of those surveyed lie routinely over trivial matters while 36% lie about important matters. Parents, you better heed this one: 86% of your kids admit to lying to you regularly. Then there’s sibling truth-skirting: 73% lie to each other as a matter of norm. Friends weigh in at 75%. But perhaps the saddest statistic of them all, 69% lie routinely to their spouse.

Therefore, since we all appear to be masters in the art of oral fabrication, you may want to come this Sunday to hear what you (and I) can do about it in our sermon on the 9th Great Commandment simply entitled, “Don’t Lie”.
