Sermon Preview for Resurrection Sunday, April 9, “The Resurrection of the King, Parts I & II” John 20:1-10 & John 20:11-18.

This Sunday at 6:30 am, I will be discussing how Mary Magdalene has discovered an empty tomb and the reaction of herself, Peter, and John. At the 10 am service, I will be looking at the first appearance of Jesus to Mary and the conversation that He has with her. Scripture of the Week – … [Read more…]

Sermon Preview for Sunday March 19, 1 Corinthians 3:10-23 – Foundations & Loss of Rewards

We will be finishing Chapter 3 this week by looking at verses 10-23. In these passages, Paul reminds the church at Corinth what they should be building their “Christian Foundation” on. Paul also addresses the loss of rewards for those who are building on the wrong type of materials. Scripture of the Week – Galatians … [Read more…]