Sermon Synopsis for 11/6: “The Parable of the Faithful Servant”

My 5th grade math teacher, Mr. Matula, had to excuse himself from the classroom one day for a few minutes when the office summoned him. Of course, he instructed us to keep busy, reviewing what we had just learned. That’s all the time this one profoundly immature student needed, to do something profoundly immature .Now … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis for 10/9: “The Parable of the Good Samaritan”

In some instances, “familiarity does breed contempt.” But in other situations, it can actually breed error. A case in point is the very familiar parable of the Good Samaritan. Most who have heard it would tell you that its primary point is our invitation, yours and mine, to help out others in need. Should we? … [Read more…]