Christmas Caroling in Downtown Nazareth

Please lend your heart and voice in singing Christmas carols to the many businesses in downtown Nazareth on Saturday December 13. 5 local churches including Faith Family Fellowship will be caroling to the local businesses as part of the Nazareth Christmas Day this Saturday. The group will meet at Maranatha (450 Jacobsburg Rd, Nazareth) at … [Read more…]

Our Grand Opening Celebration

From the Pastor’s Desk I rarely find myself on the debit side of adding my two cents worth. But in reflecting back over yesterday’s long prayed-for Grand Opening, I’m finding myself pondering over a different dilemma. How do you capture an event for those not in attendance and give it the justice it deserves? So … [Read more…]

Reflectively Thankful

Last Thanksgiving I laid my dad to rest. Well actually, God did that. He’s the Giver and Taker of life. I simply committed his body to the ground. But as the anniversary of his death has crept up on me these past few weeks, my mind has whisked me back through a Thanksgiving Parade of … [Read more…]