Sermon Synopsis for 2/4: What Goes Around, Comes Around

Evangelical Christianity routinely gets ripped for being irrelevant. “Those die-hard zealots just can’t keep up with the changing times.” Our accusers build their case on the presumption that our revered Book, the Bible, is outdated, old-fashioned, and thoroughly mismatched for today’s liberated minds. “Maybe it fit for the needs of the 1st century world, and … [Read more…]
Sermon Synopsis For 1/28: Jonah

One of the most familiar Bible stories of them all, ranking up there with Noah and the Ark, Daniel in the Lion’s Den and David and the NY Giant, is the story of Jonah and the Whale. I submit to you that the way his story has been typically recounted over the past two centuries, … [Read more…]
Sermon Synopsis for Sunday January 21, 2018

Maybe you’ve been frustrated over a failed marriage – or Perhaps you feel trapped in a world of addiction, anything from drugs, alcohol and gambling to eating, sports and entertainment. Conceivably, you suffer from some disabling illness or some chronic mental disorder. Any of these personal world-imploding matters can seem overwhelming; but when we clutch … [Read more…]