Sunday, August 15th “Virtual Service” via Microsoft Teams 10 AM


Please check your email for information regarding our Worship Service this Sunday.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of the Elders.

Service Order for Sunday:

  1. Welcome & Open Service with Prayer–John
  2. Praise Band Worship Songs–Al
    1. Open the Eyes of My Heart
    2. Lead Me To The Cross
    3. Here’s My Heart

If you have a praise to be shared, please forward to Brian: and Dent

  1. Praises and Prayers for Our Nation & the World–Brian
  2. Scripture Reading 2nd Timothy–Greg

If you have a prayer request to be shared, please forward to Greg: or and Dent

  1. Prayer Requests and Prayer for Healing–Greg
  2. Message–“A Servant Heart”–Dent
  3. After Message Prayer on Servanthood–Brian
  4. Praise Band Worship Songs–Al
    1. How He Loves
  5. Announcements–Dent
  6. Closing Prayer –John
