It’s been 22 years since Nike showcased the NBA’s “Round Mound of Rebound” in its sneaker commercial that made Charles Barkley as famous off the basketball court as on. In but a 30-second slot, he set off this firestorm of philosophical debate. While dribbling and dunking a basketball, Mr. Barkley spoke these piercing words:
“I am not a role model, and I’m not paid to be a role model. I’m paid to wreak havoc on the basketball court. Parents should be role models. Just because I dunk a basketball, doesn’t mean I should raise your kids.”
Now whether or not Sir Charles is ideologically correct, he is realistically incorrect. We do not live in an ideal world. So like it or not, certain other adults do serve as role models for other peoples’ children. By virtue of his career as a professional athlete and now sports commentator, the “Round Mound” was and is a role model. The same holds true for those in the entertainment industry, the political field, even the academic world. So whether we’re talking about Rob Lowe recommending Direct TV or Super Creepy Rob Lowe plugging Cable, parents risk losing their children’s adoration to the latter.
Do you realize that every Christian is a role model to someone/s? Like it or not, agree with it or not, they are – you are, if you’re a Christian.
Come this Sunday to face the reality that you are either a Christian Rob Lowe or a Super Creepy UnChristian Rob Lowe.

Rob Lowe and Super Creepy Rob Lowe