Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, August 30th: “SPIRIT to Spirit” (Part 3)


We’ve all probably wished we had enjoyed the privilege of attending some notable historical event. Maybe you would’ve liked to have stood in solemn respect on that battlefield in Gettysburg when our then President Lincoln delivered his immortal address, or sat with awe inside Westminster Abbey during Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation, or golfed on the moon’s surface with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

We’ve probably all dreamed about being somewhere at the exact moment a significant event took place. For me, I would’ve loved to have been reclining with the 12 disciples in that otherwise obscure Upper Room two millennia ago. Yea, my favorite Biblical narrative discloses the occasion when Jesus washed all their dirty feet.

But it’s something Jesus said on that occasion that still echoes in my mind. In fact, it’s the very last thing He declared before He broke into His High Priestly prayer. He said: “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.”

Just what we all wanted to hear, right? that life is full of adversities, that we’re all going to be body- or soul-slammed with an undisclosed measure of heartache and suffering! For each of us, the particulars will likely be different, but nonetheless very real.

Last week we began to “dig deeper” into this subject that we don’t like, but sure do crave for answers. We laid out one of the answers the Bible gives for why we suffer. Why not join us this Sunday, either in-person or virtually, as we probe three additional answers to why we suffer?
