“Live Streaming” Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, May 10th: “Seeing is Believing”


Our church motto for the current year can be whittled down to but three words, “Believing is Seeing,” meaning that in order for any of us to discern spiritual Truth as revealed in God’s Word, we must first believe. When we do, we will “see” a spiritual path forward, we will grasp Divine Truth. As the Apostle Paul put it so aptly: “We walk by faith, not by sight.” But regarding the subject on which I will be preaching this coming Sunday in no way negates this great Truth. For there is a clear circumstance when the opposite holds equally true.

Why not tune in this Mother’s Day as we will be looking into a passage of Scripture that bears this out? We will observe together that wives who are committed to Jesus Christ, moms or not, and flesh out their faith on a regular basis place their unbelieving husbands in the best position to come to the faith, for “Seeing is Believing.”
