Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, March 29th: “Navigating the Storm”


Adjusting to the new abnormal yet? I say abnormal because so much of any new normal has taken on all sorts of bizarre twists and turns. You need to understand that it was just 10 years ago that I finally gave into using an iPhone. If the church Leadership hadn’t insisted, I’d still be flipping my phone – open. There’s just too many images on the screen. I get totally exasperated. And now I have to “Go Live” over the Internet. I’m sorry, where is that in the Bible?!

Nevertheless, here we are, hunkered down at home glued to our I-Phones (except for me because all I know how to do is text) or walking aimlessly around at work, exercising social-distancing with the skeleton crew of 6 in a 50,000 square foot office building. We’re scrubbing down everything that anyone may have touched over the past decade just in case the virus started in our own home, but lay dormant and undetected until Wuhan. We’re grocery shopping at the most insane hours, dodging other frenetic purchasers who are also decked out in surgical gloves and masks to race to the aisle that has been barren for the past month. We’re going to church in our bedclothes, because we’re gathering wherever our closest TV sits. Life is way out of kilter for everyone! for Corona plays no favorites; it offers Equal Unemployment Opportunity for all.

So what does this new abnormal mean to those who profess faith in Jesus Christ? How should we then live in light of the current Coronacrisis? Please crawl out from under your bedspread this coming Sunday morning at 10am, and gravitate over to your closest TV and tune us in. Perhaps you’ll come away feeling fully charged to face the challenge of another week of new abnormal.

Why not join us on Sunday morning at 10 AM on Facebook “live” to hear more “Navigating the Storm!”
