Sunday March 22nd at 10 AM: “Church Remake”


Church Remake

You can shut the doors of a church, but you can’t shut the hearts of its people. They will find a way to worship and be about God’s Kingdom business.
We’re treading on unprecedented turf. Never before has our entire nation been so rocked by a national crisis that thousands of church doors all across our great land are closing. Satan must have been smiling from horn to horn when his Corona-wile turned Corona-wild.
Let’s not ever forget, he also beamed w/ unrestrained exuberance on Good Friday. But then came Sunday!
He’s not going to win this time either.
Our church doors are shut – for the very practical & life-saving reason to stem the tide of the Corona tsunami. But our hearts are wide open, yearning to worship together and not be in any way thwarted from pursuing God’s Kingdom business.
We’re just going to have to be more creative on how we do what our hearts long to do. And I can assure you, that with our plan in moving forward during this indetermi-nant period of time, old dogs can learn new tricks. I just did – and you’re seeing it live.
So tomorrow, tune in at 10am, same chat time – same chat channel. We will worship together from the safe confines of our homes. We can’t go to the sanctuary for worship, so we we’re going to bring the sanctuary to us – so we can worship.
How very fitting in at least two ways: 1st, the early church met in homes. I’m quite certain that this temporary hiatus from our building will give us a whole new appreciation for it when we reconvene in it.
And 2nd, what is the church but its people? A building is just that – an edifice of brick and mortar that houses the True Church – us.
We had no clue back in January when we unveiled our 2020 motto, just how appropriate it would soon prove to be for this occasion. “Believe in 2020 and we will perceive 20/20.” For “we walk by faith, not by sight.”
So see you tomorrow – “Lord Willing, of course,” because who knows what tomorrow holds? Only He does! which is why our trust must be fully in Him and our praise ever streaming from our lips. (Did this old dog just make a techno-joke?)

Join Us at 10 AM on Sunday, March on our Facebook Live Video Broadcast…see you then!
