Sermon Synopsis for Sunday May 19th: “Sin Gone Wild” – Part 1


God has gotten a bad rap because He’s routinely being accused of being a killjoy. How so? Because He’s issued some pretty repressive commands that rob us of enjoying some real fun in life. We can’t get drunk or high. We can’t stuff our palates in gluttony. We can’t live off the hard work of others so we can be fancy-free. We can’t sow our wild oats. “Man, who wants to follow a god like that??!!”

The numbers who don’t are staggering! There are way, way too many spiritual anarchists who choose to go with their own hedonistic flow and take God off the stove entirely; forget about the back-burner.

I remember this one occasion back in college when a few of my unbelieving friends, another guy and two girls, got frustrated with me. They wanted to do something that didn’t align with my Christian principles; so I politely declined. The guy commented, “Don’t you ever have any fun?” I countered with, “I guess it all depends on what you consider fun.”

Why not come out this Sunday morning to hear a message I’ve entitled, “Sin Gone Wild” (Part 1) and be reminded just how far man’s fun ride has taken him; to which I would then ask, “Is he having fun yet?”
