Sermon Synopsis for Sunday May 5th: “When God Got Hot” (Part 1)




God always acts in Love. Why is this? Because Love is Who He is. He personifies Love. He exudes Love. He overflows with Love. Now on a personal level, each us can cite so many examples when God poured out His Love on us: We were born into a loving family. We were born here in America. We married a doting spouse. We raised great kids. We received a quality education and landed a “perfect” job. We reside in a comfortable house and are spoiled by many modern conveniences. We’ve enjoyed many years of good health. We feel so blessed by a long list of BFFs. We attend the best church in the world – well, the best church in the 1000th block of Bushkill Center Rd. in Upper Nazareth. And so on and so forth. God loves us – because Love is Who He is.

But our perception of God has gotten us into trouble. Why? Because we have distorted Who He really is so that He fits into what we want. In our contemporary culture, we have determined what our god of Love must look like. We never allow Him to do anything that we could ever construe as being harsh or mean-spirited, because that’s not Who He is or how Love operates!

Mean-spirited? I agree; He’s not! But harsh – that’s another story. God didn’t prevent His Chosen People from being carted off into three separate exiles where they were treated inhumanely. He didn’t thwart King Herod from slaughtering an entire village of baby boys. Then directly, He personally snuffed out Achan and his entire family in the Old Testament and Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, in the New Testament. I’d say these examples validate that God can be severe!

Why not come out this Sunday morning when we begin to try to make some sense out of God’s Anger in the sermon I’ve entitled, “When God Got Hot?”
