Sermon Synopsis for Sunday April 7th: “Watch the Lamb Clean House”


It’s to be expected that when churches enter the Easter season, they trumpet the Joy of Jesus’ Resurrection. How can they not? His triumph over Death sets Christianity apart from all other faiths and isms. But because of this proper emphasis during this time of celebration, some of the less significant events can get lost in the jubilation of the much greater happenings during Holy Week.

So starting this coming Sunday and continuing through Easter Sunday, we’re going to “dig even deeper” into some of these lesser-remembered events; and we’re going to do so while remembering this most familiar depiction of Jesus as our Passover Lamb.

I believe God chose this particular animal, the lamb, to describe Jesus in His ministry, not only to remind us of His sacrifice and provision of salvation, but also, to remind us of His passivity. As the OT Scriptures predicted of Him, “He was led like a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep is silent before its shearers, He did not open His mouth.” But this month, we’re going to discover Jesus was anything but passive at key moments during Holy Week.

I’ve entitled this month’s sermon series, “Watch the Lamb.” Why not join us this Sunday as we kick off this series with a message entitled, “Watch the Lamb Clean House?”
