Sermon Synopsis for Sunday February 10th: “Right in His Sight”


Everyday life serves us a platter of questions, some far more consequential than others: “Do we hope the Patriots beat the Rams?” Obviously, this question isn’t so important – unless you’re a Saints’ fan – because they should have been in – never-mind. “Should I be growing a beard?” I do have my reason; but still, it’s a far cry from a momentous question.

Questions of more prodigious import would be ones like, “Who should I marry?” “What career path should I take?” “How can I make my little corner of the globe a better place in which to live?”

Philosophers down through the centuries pinpointed a handful of questions that they deemed as preeminent, virtual  for all thinking persons to ponder and weigh and perhaps even resolve for themselves – to the best of their human ability: “Who am I?” “What is the meaning to life?” “Is this all there is, or may there be something beyond?” “Does God exist?”

I submit to you for your contemplation, that the following question supersedes all others on account of its supreme, even essential importance, on a personal level. It’s the question every person should ask, but even the millions who never do, will receive its answer, one day: “How can I be made Right in God’s Sight?” Is this a question you wish to have answered? Why not join us this Sunday to see if you get your answer?
